An ad blitz they can't ignore
Last week, Barnaby Joyce was in the media calling for a new coal plant for Queensland, even though it's clear that coal just can't keep up with cheaper solar, wind and storage.
With the election likely just months away, the dangerous narrative that Australia needs coal risks derailing real action on climate and denying communities the huge job and economic potential of renewable energy. That's why we need to fight back and tell the real story: renewables are here, they're cheaper and they're getting the job done.
This is where we need your help – we need to make sure clean energy, not coal, is front-and-centre this election.
We're implementing a hard-hitting Facebook ad blitz to get the message across. Every dollar you contribute means our message stays prominent for longer, and in more locations. If we make sure our story is repeated again and again throughout the coming months the message will sink in.