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PM’s captain’s call to harm renewable energy target hurts consumers

Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised at the last election to support solar energy and grow jobs in the industry, but it has now reneged on that promise under pressure from the big power companies, according to Solar Citizens. 

National Director Claire O’Rourke said the Abbott government went to the 2013 election promising to support the Renewable Energy Target but broke its word once elected, launching a ferocious attack on renewables that is already causing havoc to Australia’s industry and could leave it in ruins.

“Solar Citizens is calling on the Abbott Government to support the best interests of Australia’s electricity consumers by keeping its promise to support the Renewable Energy Target of 41,000 gigawatt target,” Ms O’Rourke said today.

“Abbott’s unprecedented attacks on renewable energy are creating investor uncertainty on renewables, holding back jobs and denying savings for all Australian electricity consumers, whether they have rooftop solar or not.

“The move to break this promise on renewable energy was a ‘captain’s call’ from the Prime Minister . It is a policy that hurts the average Australian and benefits only the big power companies. Multiple sets of modelling demonstrates that the Target works to bring down the wholesale price of power, helping families with their power bills.

“Abbott’s assault on solar and renewable energy risks losing more than 8,000 jobs and billions of dollars of investment in renewable energy, one of Australia’s most successful new industries.

“We call on the Federal Government to quickly restore jobs and growth in the renewables sector in Australia by calling off negotiations to water down the Target and showing it supports consumers by restoring its support for the full 41,000 gigawatt RET,” she said.

Media contact: Amy Gordon  0410 631 404

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