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Parties must commit to keeping full RET to save households money

Solar Citizens has welcomed media reports today that Federal Cabinet has rejected the flawed Warburton review into the Renewable Energy Target but warns the best way for Australians to save on their household power bills is to keep the full Renewable Energy Target.

"All political parties must commit to keeping the full 41,000 gigawatt Target if they are to guarantee Australians control of their power bills,” said Solar Citizens National Director, Claire O’Rourke.

“Cabinet has taken the first step by rejecting the Warburton review commissioned by the Government but now it needs to go further to show the Australian public it will support policies that help them access rooftop solar power and water heating.”

A new Essential Research poll released yesterday shows Australians are more concerned about increases in energy and gas prices than any other economic issue.
“Eighty-five percent of Australians are concerned about the rapid increase in the cost of energy for their household,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“This clearly shows the urgent need for assisting more households to go solar and take control of their power bills.

“The vast majority of Australians support solar. Politicians can’t persist in ignoring the depth of community support for solar and renewable energy.

“Australians want more solar, not less. Less than two weeks ago more than 2,000 workers and supporters from all walks of life held rallies across the country demanding that the Government keeps the Target strong.

“Solar creates jobs, encourages investment and helps Australian families.

“We call on all parties to immediately announce their support for keeping the full Target.”

For more information contact Holly Crocket on 0413 343 329.

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