Solar Citizens warns that the NSW Government’s lack of planning around the transitioning of early solar customers to new metering arrangements could trigger a crisis for 150,000 solar homes across the state.
Consumer Campaigner Reece Turner said the NSW Government had made a dog’s breakfast of managing the move towards metering which aims to push out smart meters and the impending halt to the 60c/kWh solar feed-in price at the end of this year.
“The Baird Government has talked up solar but it’s actions risk delays and cost pressures for solar households during the transition to new feed-in and metering arrangements,” he said.
“Solar homeowners will be forced to pay for new meters that could cost up to $700 dollars - which in some cases provide less information about their solar than they currently have.
“There’s no detail on how the meter change will roll out across the state and it’s not clear whether all solar homes can be fitted with new devices before the 60c/kWh feed-in price expires at the end of the year.
“It’s debatable whether there are even enough electricians and meters to deal with this whole-of-state transition. Any solar home left without a new meter will lose access to their solar power and be left paying more for non-solar electricity from the grid.
“The Baird Government said NSW can be “Australia’s answer to California” when it comes to clean energy, but NSW has gone from a solar leader to a solar laggard.
“The Baird Government must do better - this needs to be fixed, fast,” he said.
Reece Turner is available for interview.
Media contact: Siobhan Lyttle 0432 828 004