19th April 2023: National Electric Vehicle Strategy marks the start of Australia's electric vehicle revolution
Solar Citizens today welcomes the release of the Federal Government’s National Electric Vehicle Strategy, recognising the important progress towards cleaning up Australia’s transport sector, in particular with the introduction of a Fuel Efficiency Standard by the end of the year.
Clean Transport Campaigner Ajaya Haikerwal says that the Government has made an important step by putting a Fuel Efficiency Standard at the centre of the Strategy, but it's vital that the Standard implemented is ambitious to catch Australia up with the rest of the world.
“After over 500 submissions to the consultation process, the vast majority calling for a Fuel Efficiency Standard, it’s heartening that the Government has finally got the message that it needs to put the pedal to the metal. There’s clearly the willingness from both the community and the industry to fix Fuel Efficiency Standards and get it right as soon as possible, to bring more clean car choices for all Australians,” said Haikerwal.
“Australia is already at the back of the global queue when it comes to access to electric vehicles (EVs) – we’ve become a dumping ground for crappy, inefficient vehicles that aren’t accepted in other countries. We need to join the same queue as the rest of the world, but there’s no point joining at the back, or we’ll simply end up in the same predicament we’ve been in for the past decade.
“What we’ve needed for a long time is a world-class Standard that is at least as ambitious as Europe or New Zealand, without loopholes or dodgy super credits that create perverse climate outcomes, and that give all Australians a fair go and reduce spending on petrol. It’s an easy rule change with a minimal cost to the Government.”
Solar Citizens analysis has shown that if the Federal Government implemented a Fuel Efficiency Standard matching the European Union, Australians could save at least $11 billion in fuel cost savings over 5 years, including $4 billion for regional Australia.
“Our ‘Recharging Australia’ report has demonstrated the cost of living relief that this policy will bring – a whopping $11 billion invested back into the Australian community, rather than leaving our shores forever and lining the pockets of foreign-owned oil companies,” said Haikerwal.
Solar Citizens' Electric Ute Roadshow is currently gathering the views of regional and rural Australians towards EVs by touring the first commercially available electric ute around regional Australia.
“We keep hearing the same message over and over again from regional communities – give us the vehicles we want, at a fair price point and we’re ready to make the switch.
“Our electric ute is the first of its kind, and it certainly won’t be the last. But we won’t have access to the variety of cars and utes that exist overseas—including ones that are suitable for regional Australia—if we don’t fix Fuel Efficiency Standards ASAP.”
Media Contact: Ajaya Haikerwal, 0400 723 324
About Solar Citizens
Solar Citizens is an independent, community-based organisation working to protect and grow renewable energy and clean transport in Australia. Our website is https://www.solarcitizens.org.au/