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2020 Solar Survey Report Back

Each year our Solar Survey gives you the chance to add your voice to Australia's solar story. 

We’ve crunched the numbers from the 2020 survey and the results show that solar citizens are leading the way to 100% Renewables, with 89% having solar on their home or workplace and 15% already a battery storage system. 

In the face of a difficult year, our state and federal governments need to be listening to the community and supporting clean energy programs in the road to economic recovery and to make sure they hear us we're going to need all the support we can muster. As a completely independent organisation we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to power our campaigns to protect and grow solar. 

Will you take the next step to drive the fast and fair renewable transition by becoming a regular giver today?
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

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If you'd like to make a one-off donation, you can do so here.

Become a regular giver for solar

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Contributions are tax deductible.

If you'd prefer to setup a regular donation using PayPal click here.

If you'd prefer to setup a regular donation via bank transfer or via the post, you can find our bank details here and a printable donation form here. 

100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
ACNC Registered Charity Logo