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The community’s overwhelming love of solar power has once again been confirmed with the release today of results from an Ipsos survey, commissioned by the federal Australian Renewable Energy Agency, according to Solar Citizens.

The Ipsos survey found 87% of Australians supported solar panels on homes as an energy source for Australia and it was almost three times as popular as coal or nuclear power.

Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said polls and survey consistently showed massive popular support for solar and other renewable energy, yet public policy lagged far behind.

“The community’s enthusiasm and willingness to put their own money into solar has not been matched by ambition and action from government, plain and simple,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“Australia has plentiful sun resources that place us in prime position for generating our own renewable energy and providing the know-how and expertise for meeting the global solar boom.

“Last week the International Renewable Energy Agency released a new report showing there are now more than 7.7 million people employed by the renewable energy industry, worldwide.

“Australia should stake its claim in this growing global industry and its new century jobs.

“The more popular solar becomes with households, the greater the push back that comes from vested interests in big power companies as they attempt to influence politicians to protect their outdated models which are holding back Australia’s energy transformation that will take place.

“These vested interests and their special treatment by government are holding back lower power prices for all Australians, cleaner power, more diverse energy security, millions in investment and more jobs.

“The findings of this survey suggest Australians from all walks of life and political persuasions are recognising the benefits of solar far outweigh the risks of coal and nuclear. It’s time our political leaders woke up and stood up for solar too,” she said.


Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

More on the Stand Up For Solar campaign:  

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