Solar Citizens today welcomed Labor Cabinet’s rejection of the Abbott Government’s latest attempt to cut the Renewable Energy Target (RET), which keeps a 2-yearly mandated review.
National Director Claire O’Rourke said the inclusion of a frequent review was a dog whistle to the big power companies, locking in special treatment for fossil-fuel energy sources and sustaining uncertainty in renewable energy investment.
The toxic ongoing political attack on renewable energy such as solar and wind is placing more than 8,000 jobs at risk and threatens solar companies looking at installing big solar projects, Ms O’Rourke said.
“The underhanded tactics employed to scale back the Target and disadvantage renewable energy benefit no one but the big power companies who will make a $45 billion windfall from holding solar and wind back,” she said.
“Meanwhile, households will continue to pay more for power and miss their chance for generating their own clean energy.
“More than 1.3 million households have already installed rooftop solar power - the technology is proven and ready to go. What’s missing is a failure by our politicians who are way behind the majority of Australians excited by the potential of the solar revolution.
“Recent polling from The Australia Institute shows 75% of Australians support an increase in the Renewable Energy Target, not a decrease.
“Every day the Abbott Government continues to attack renewable energy will take Australian renewable energy generation backwards.
“Hundreds of solar homeowners and other community members who support solar have gathered at Stand Up for Solar events in Queensland and at the Richmond Town Hall last week in Melbourne to talk about the future of solar power.
“They have pledged to support a national goal of at least 50% solar and renewable energy by 2030, an end to unfair fees for solar owners and to help all Australians with the rising cost of electricity bills.
“Our political leaders can’t deliver the energy system for the next century with an outdated policy from the last. World markets are changing, we must change and innovate with them,” she said.
Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404