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Final Report on Network Value of Solar lands in Victoria

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (ESC) has today released the highly anticipated final report into the true value of solar, following a string of recent announcements and policy changes to encourage the uptake of solar in that state.

“This report establishes the benefits that rooftop solar provides to the whole network and all energy consumers but disappointingly fails to put a dollar figure on that value,” said Shani Tager, Senior Campaigner, Solar Citizens.

“It is an important report in its effort to recognise the true value of solar. Unfortunately, their recommendation of further investigations into a market mechanism will cause unnecessary delays in Victorian solar owners getting a fairer price for the power they produce.

“Solar Citizens believes that the simplest and most effective way to recognise the value from locally produced and used energy is through a feed in tariff (FiT) system where solar owners receive a fair price for the power they produce,” she said.
“The ESC report comes on the back of recent announcements in Victoria such as a doubling in the price paid for solar exports, and the powering of Melbourne’s iconic tram system with solar power.
“This is a State that is streaking ahead of its interstate rivals when it comes to supporting the growth of renewable energy,” said Tager.

“This sort of recognition of the value of solar is sorely lacking in other states across the country.

“We encourage the Victorian Government to continue their common-sense approach to solar and to increase the feed in tariff to reflect the network benefits outlined in the report.

“Using a feed in tariff to recognise the true value that rooftop solar provides to the whole community will encourage solar across the state, which is good for the environment and will reduce costs to all consumers,” she said.

Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]

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