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Federal Intervention Welcomed on Victoria's Premature EV Tax

18th July 2022: Federal Intervention Welcomed on Victoria's Premature EV Tax

Clean transport advocates Solar Citizens have welcomed the move by the Federal Government to join a legal bid to strike down Victoria’s controversial electric vehicle tax, stating that scrapping or deferring these taxes is key to increasing consumer confidence in EVs.

“Taxes on electric vehicles are premature and should only be introduced when EVs hold a significant market share,” said Solar Citizens Clean Transport Campaigner, Ajaya Haikerwal.

“The Andrews Government’s road user charge sends a message to Victorians consumers to steer clear of EVs, stymieing a rapid transition we need to deal with our rising transport emissions.”

“Most other states and territories have either deferred, or entirely scrapped their road user charges. Victoria is lagging behind the pack, and now the Feds are stepping in to fix their mistake.”

“Removing or deferring road user charging is a key step towards encouraging uptake of zero emissions vehicles in Australia. But if the Federal Government is serious about boosting consumer confidence and unlocking more EVs for the local market, they need to also get Australia up to speed and introduce fuel efficiency standards.”

“Currently, we’re on par with Russia when it comes to fuel efficiency standards – we’re one of four G20 countries that doesn’t have them, so car makers bypass us and send their EVs elsewhere.”

“You only have to look as far as the ACT for what sensible policy on EVs looks like. We welcome today’s announcement of a sales target that will see sales of combustion engine cars ending by 2035 at latest.”

“The ACT’s policy is in line with what is happening overseas, such as in the EU. This is where we need to be heading if we’re serious about cleaning up our transport emissions.”

“With the lack of strong federal policy around electric vehicles over the past decade, the states stepped in and brought an array of policies – some good and some bad. Now we have a Federal Government that is more supportive of EVs, and we need consistent policy, starting with fuel efficiency standards which will help all governments achieve their sales targets.”


Media contact: Ajaya Haikerwal 0400 723 324

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