Petition return sheet
This is the spreadsheet you use to return your Vote 1 Solar petition signatures. Download the spreadsheet and enter your signatures under the correct columns. Then, send it to [email protected]. That's it, you're done! Though of course you can download some more petition sheets below and keep going.
Download the spreadsheet here.
Election Materials
We know that elections are when political parties and candidates are listening most keenly to their constituents. These materials are designed to help you speak up and get noticed so we can put the transition to 100% renewable power front and centre this election.
If you'd like to order a bundle of these materials you can get one of the Election Kits - quick, before they run out! - otherwise feel free to download these documents and print your own.
Just remember, electoral laws require that all persuasive materials carry an authorisation, including details of printing. As you are printing these yourself, we require you to add the following line beneath Claire's authorisation: Printed by (name of printer), (address of printer, city, state, postcode). You can easily add this using Adobe Acrobat (which is free to download here).
Resources instructions Vote 1 Solar flyer Vote 1 Solar posters
Vote 1 Solar petition sheet 'I ❤ solar and I vote' message card