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We all deserve clean, cheap energy

Too many Australians are struggling with spiralling electricity bills because they're unable to access cost-cutting rooftop solar.

The big power corporations are raking it in while some people are doing it tough and it's got to stop

Will you chip in to power the Clean, Cheap Energy for All campaign and help make sure the transition to renewable energy is affordable, equitable and inclusive?

We want all political parties to commit to making clean energy accessible for all Australians, by: 

  • Helping low-income households slash their power bills by making cost-cutting solar more accessible.
  • Committing to solar power for one million rental homes.
  • Making it easy for people who live in apartments to harvest the clean energy from our abundant sunshine.

With your support we will break down the barriers that get in the way of renters, people who live in apartments and low-income households accessing the benefits of solar power.

Donate for a clean energy future

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100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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