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CopperString 2.0 investment a win for North Queenslanders

19 May 2020: CopperString 2.0 investment a win for North Queenslanders

Solar Citizens today congratulates the Queensland Government for supporting the CopperString 2.0 project with $14.8 million.

The proposed transmission project will connect Mt Isa to the main electricity grid, unlocking some of the Sunshine State's enormous clean energy potential to power industry.

“The CopperString 2.0 project will allow new solar and wind projects to connect to Queensland’s grid to drive down power prices for industry and consumers,” said Ellen Roberts, Solar Citizens’ National Director.

“North Queensland has incredible solar and wind resources that can be utilised to provide cheap electricity for energy-intensive industries like minerals processing.

“Already the Sun Metals’ Townsville zinc refinery is making the most of Queensland’s natural renewable advantage to power their facility.

“By supporting more renewable investment and transmission infrastructure, we can see more onshore minerals processing and manufacturing.”

Research commissioned by Solar Citizens recently found that if all the proposed large-scale renewable energy projects in Queensland went ahead it would create over 51,000 construction jobs and $36 billion worth of investment.


Media contact: Ellen Roberts 0408 583 694

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