Federal Government plans announced today, to yet again reallocate money from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), this time to a ‘Sustainable Cities Investment Fund’, further risks the mandate of the CEFC and sees this important institution at danger of becoming yet another political pork barrel, according to Solar Citizens.
“Here we are again, pulling money from an important institution to meet a short term political objective - no matter what they try and tell the Australian public, this government still has no coherent plan for the shift to clean renewable power beyond 2020,” said Claire O’Rourke, National Director of Solar Citizens.
“This is another politically driven, piecemeal policy that sees us yet again responding to a political need rather than building a decent plan for our future energy needs.
“With under two weeks to go, it is becoming clearer and clearer that the Turnbull Government has only one plan - a plan to get themselves re-elected.
“This just won't cut it,” she said.
“Australia stands to gain an $800b slice of the global renewable energy investment boom, and we will miss out on jobs, growth and investment if we don't get on with it now - this is what the CEFC is really for.
“One wonders what the CEFC Board and Management feel as they watch their investment mandate being pulled apart with these announcements.
“The global transition to renewables is already underway. Australia needs a national plan to harness the multi-billion dollar renewables boom and manage the orderly transition to 100% clean renewable power.
“Powering our lives and our homes with 100% renewable electricity by 2030 is 100% possible and 100% necessary; Australians overwhelmingly support renewables - all we need is a decent plan and the political will to get us there,” she said.
Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]
Solar scorecard:http://solarscorecard.org.au/
Vote 1 Solar campaign:http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/vote1solar
Homegrown Power Plan:http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/hpp