Prime Minister Turnbull’s speech at the Press Club today is yet another in a long line of examples of how out of touch the Federal Government is on renewable energy policy.
“To anyone who has an eye on the future it was remarkable in its denial of facts and its refusal to recognise that the renewables revolution is here, and is being driven by state governments like South Australia in this country,” said Maria Cirillo, Deputy National Director, Solar Citizens.
“The Prime Minister has again failed on the basics, an astounding situation in 2017, when he says ‘the battlelines have been drawn - it is clear that the Coalition stands for cheaper energy’ he quite simply - does not get it.
“Solar drives down costs and is the future – storage of solar gives stability, reliability and security - the Prime Minister should stop listening to his supporters in the coal industry and start looking at the future - it is here, it is waving at us, and it is very, very attractive,” she said.
“The Prime Minister is out of touch, solar is the most popular energy source amongst Australians, and they want more of it, the speech shows he is determined to continue to mislead the Australian public on what is really driving up power prices.
“1.6 million households have already taken power back into their own hands by investing in clean solar on their own rooftops, more people are considering solar and storage for their homes than ever before, she said.
“We do note his apparent support for storage, but time will be the test of this support.
“The Prime Minister should support Australians in making the move, rather than focusing on outdated energy solutions and through his attack on state renewable targets, he again shows he is not across national energy issues.
“When he says ‘the next incarnation of our national energy policy should be technology agnostic - it’s security and cost that matter most, not how you deliver it. Policy should be “all of the above technologies” working together to deliver the trifecta of secure and affordable power while meeting our emission reduction commitments’ while simultaneously floating the illusory benefits of ‘clean’ coal and talking down the benefits of solar, we want to tell him clearly, he is dreaming.
“It seems the Prime Minister has again nailed his flag to the mast of the past,” she said.
“Any Prime Minister worth his salt in 2017, should be supporting the future in renewables and moving away from our dirty coal past,” she said.
“The Prime Minister has failed miserably today, we note that he uses the word ‘solar’ three times, ‘climate’ once but ‘coal’ eight times in this speech, such a shame,” Cirillo said.
Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]