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Adelaide City Council solar program to spark new wave of SA solar

Adelaide City Council solar program to spark new wave of SA solar

Solar Citizens today congratulates Adelaide City Council for the introduction of its new Sustainable City Incentives Scheme that will see households in Adelaide encouraged to take up rooftop solar.

The Adelaide City Council scheme includes:

$5000 for installing solar PV
$5000 for installing energy storage
$500 per electric vehicle charging controller
$5000 for apartment building energy efficiency upgrades
$1000 for changing out quartz halogen downlights to LED downlights

“Adelaide City Council should be congratulated on their new Solar City Incentives Scheme. This innovative scheme will help thousands of South Australian families make the transition to clean sun-powered electricity,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“These families will save money on their bills and will be able to generate clean power from the sun. They will be joining the existing 184,921 households in South Australia who have already made solar their number one choice for power.”

“Recent polling shows 71% of Australians believe solar power should be Australia’s number one form of energy.

“Just last night our Federal Senate passed legislation to slash our Renewable Energy Target. This move will see Australian jobs lost and investment moved overseas.

“It beggars belief that, with consistent and overwhelming public support, with state and local governments moving to invest and prominent world leaders all saying renewable energy is the future, the Abbott Government continues to try and haul our nation backwards.

“In recent weeks I have seen first hand the groundswell of support for clean power, with thousands of people from all walks of life signing up to our ‘Stand up for Solar’ pledge and calling for a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy including solar by 2030.

“The wave of support for clean energy is gaining momentum. If our political leaders don’t get on board with the revolution they face a very real risk of being left out in the cold,” said Ms O’Rourke.

Claire O’Rourke is available for comment

More on Stand Up for Solar:

Media Contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

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