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Solar Citizens welcomes ACT Zero Emissions Vehicle Strategy

21st July 2022: Solar Citizens welcomes ACT Zero Emissions Vehicle Strategy

Clean transport advocates Solar Citizens have welcomed the comprehensive and ambitious policy announced yesterday in the ACT’s 2022-2030 Zero Emissions Vehicles Strategy.

“During this cost of living and energy crisis, ACT’s consumers have been shielded from the brunt of the pain that most other Australians are feeling in their power bills. This is the result of forward-thinking climate and energy policy, which has seen the ACT moving to 100% renewable energy,” said Ajaya Haikerwal, Electric Vehicle Campaigner at Solar Citizens.

“The ACT is now also supercharging its electric vehicle (EV) policy, which will also ultimately benefit consumers. Canberrans will be driving cars that are cheaper to run and maintain, and lead to cleaner air and quieter streets.

“Australian families need these cost-saving solutions yesterday. In a couple of months the Federal Government’s cut to the fuel excise will end, petrol prices will skyrocket further, and consumers will be asking why they didn’t have access to EVs sooner – but not in the ACT.

“While other states—and the Federal Government—are yet to leave the driveway, the ACT has joined the rest of the world on the EV highway.

“These are the types of policies that enabled Norway’s rapid transition, where EVs now make up 84% of new car sales. Meanwhile in Australia, EVs made up less than 2% of new car sales last year.

“The ACT has made it clear that in order to achieve their Australia-leading targets it’s essential that the Federal Government gets out of the slow lane and implements fuel efficiency standards in line with the rest of the world. This is a critical piece of the puzzle that will incentivise manufacturers to bring zero-emissions vehicles to our shores.

“To avoid Australia becoming a dumping ground for inefficient vehicles then other states should follow the lead of the ACT and advocate for strong national fuel efficiency standards.”


Media contact: Ajaya Haikerwal 0400 723 324

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