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2017 Supporter Survey results infographicEach year our Supporter Survey gives you the chance to tell us what you think about all things solar – including what you consider to be the key barriers in the way of our nation making the orderly transition to 100% clean, renewable power by 2030. 

We’ve collated the data from this year’s survey and the results are in: the overwhelming majority of our supporters know solar owners are saving money and contributing to a healthier environment. Our solar-loving community also indicated that Australia should be powered by more solar, and the Turnbull Government's decisions on energy are in the interest of big power companies and party politics, not our future.

This is why Solar Citizens exists. By bringing together thousands of solar owners and supporters we are a powerful voice that can’t be ignored. Make your tax-deductible donation today and help us make sure we can sign up more supporters, train more volunteers and deliver hard-hitting campaigns that win for solar and renewables.

When you donate to Solar Citizens, you're supporting an organisation dedicated to growing and protecting solar in Australia.

We are completely independent and do not accept any government money. Instead, we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to power our work.

Every dollar you donate goes towards protecting the rights of solar owners and campaigning for an Australia powered by clean energy from the sun.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


If you support the work we do and want to ensure we continue going strong, consider becoming a regular giver.

If you'd prefer to make a donation via direct transfer to a bank account, you can find our bank details here

If you'd prefer to make a donation using PayPal, you can find that option here.


Donate for a solar powered Australia

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Contributions are tax deductible.
100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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