Solar owners are claiming a significant victory in the campaign to receive a fair price for the clean, efficient electricity 1.5 million households produce every day in Australia.
The Victorian Government has just announced significant improvements to the way rooftop solar and other ‘distributed renewable energy’ is valued by flagging changes that recognise and reward the environmental benefits of rooftop solar and the time at which rooftop solar is produced.
"This is a first for Australia and indeed the Victorian Government is leading the world with this announcement to better value the benefits of rooftop solar or distributed renewable energy,” Reece Turner, Consumer Campaigner for Solar Citizens said.
“These changes will ultimately lead to solar owners receiving more value from the clean, efficient electricity they provide to the grid and increase the incentives for people to add solar which is providing cheaper, cleaner electricity to all consumers.
“The Victorian Government should be applauded for firstly undertaking this rigorous analysis of the ‘true’ value of rooftop solar and now acting to ensure this value is promptly, and properly, realised.
“These changes will result in relatively modest gains for solar owners but they do set the stage for a fairer and more reflective assessment of the value rooftop solar brings to our grid,” he said.
“Household rooftop solar offers incredible benefits to our electricity grid - providing cheaper, cleaner, more efficient energy during times when demand - and costs - are greater.
“Coupled with battery storage, rooftop solar also has the potential to provide a more robust, decentralised electricity supply. Until now, these values have not been realised,” he said.
“This Victorian announcement sits in stark contrast to the flailing policies of other States, particularly NSW which has a zero minimum feed-in price for solar and in South Australia where the regulator is proposing to remove the minimum feed-in price.
“The Queensland Government is sitting on a report it commissioned into a fair price for solar but the draft report failed to recommend any changes.
“This is a great first step however other benefits of solar lie in a more efficient electricity grid.
“The Victorian Government has indicated these benefits should also be realised and we look forward to the next stage of the inquiry,” said Turner.
Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]
Solar Citizens is an independent, community-based organisation bringing together millions of solar owners and supporters to grow and protect solar in Australia. Together, we take action to protect the rights of millions of Australians with solar to cut bills, create clean power and take energy generation back into our own hands.