Media Release
04 March 2014
Following today’s announcement that, if re-elected, the South Australia Labor Government would pilot a program to install solar panels in public housing, Solar Citizens, a community voice for current and future solar owners, commends the government - but also asks that the Liberal party make such a commitment.
“It’s heartening to hear a policy such as this. Putting panels on public housing, quite simply, just makes sense.”
“It’s imperative, however, that growing solar is supported by all political parties,” Lindsay Soutar, National Director of Solar Citizens, says.
“Solar is a non-partisan issue. It’s supported by most Australians as the best way to take power over their bills and produce their own energy.”
“So, our question to the Liberal party is - if elected, will you do the same?”
“Solar is incredibly popular in South Australia - with 1 in 5 homes in the State running on the sun,” Ms Soutar says.
“This is equivalent to 350,000 voters who are thinking about the panels on their roof when they go to vote next week.”
“And they need to know that their solar - and the growth of solar in South Australia - is protected.”
“This can be assured through policies like the one the Labor party announced today.”
“Not only that, but it’s also imperative that all political parties commit to not discriminate against current solar owners with additional fees or penalties or changes to the feed-in tariff.”
“The benefits such a large presence of solar in SA are immediately tangible - it’s saved families over $86 million a year on their energy bills.”
“While at the same time, lowering the wholesale price of electricity - making it cheaper for all families in SA to keep their lights on.”
“Solar Citizens supports the expansion of solar to public housing and asks that all parties in South Australia agree to strengthening and growing solar in the State.”