Clean Energy Solutions for Apartments and Strata

Clean Energy Solutions for Apartments and Strata

We know that rooftop solar, household batteries, and electric vehicles bring down bills and reduce household emissions, however these clean energy solutions are not easily accessible to everyone - including people living in apartments and strata-titled properties. Solar Citizens are working hard to change this, and we are seeing some commitment from state and federal governments to help locked out households access the benefits of clean energy... however we still have a way to go.

Our Solar Potential Report, released in April 2024, showed that apartment rooftops in Australia hold an estimated 4.4GWh of annual solar generation capacity, which, if installed, would provide average annual energy bill savings of $530 per apartment. The 2021 Census reported that 16% of Australian households were apartments, and we know that the vast majority of these properties do not have solar panels, behind-the-meter batteries or electric vehicle chargers currently installed.

Do you live in an apartment or strata-titled property and feel 'locked out' of the clean energy transition? Or perhaps you've been successful in getting solar installed on your apartment building? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to share your story.

Tips & Resources 

When it comes to getting solar and electrification upgrades for your apartment building, it can be challenging to even know where to start. The truth is, every apartment building is different, and no one has all the answers just yet, but we can share a few tips, useful links, and resources to help you get started on your electrification journey.

Tip 1: Define the problem

It's important to first understand the problem (or problems!) before deciding on a solution. This step involves looking at the issue you are trying to solve, as well as anticipating the barriers you might encounter while trying to solve that problem, for example:

  • Not having enough suitable roof space to hold the number of solar panels required to provide electricity for all the residents (more common in high-rise buildings)
  • Lacking the available funds to cover the upfront costs of installing solar, batteries or EV chargers 
  • Being connected to an embedded network that prevents residents from getting off gas 
  • Having a high number of renters and/or a small number of owners who are unwilling to pay for electrification upgrades
  • Living in an older building that does not have the electrical capacity required to allow residents to electrify

Tip 2: 
Rally the troops

It's important to find the right people who might be able to help you achieve your mission. You might seek to find allies within your strata committee, other owners, passionate neighbours who are wiling to volunteer their time, or residents with technical skills or financial acumen to help you build your business case. 




Tip 3: 
Look at what help is available 

Make sure to look at the rebates and loans available to you, and check your eligibility online. We recommend you take a look at the Australian Government's website which contains information about federal programs and links to what's available in each state. 

Click here to learn more about rebates and assistance.



Tip 4: 
Reach out to the right suppliers 

When sourcing a quote for solar panels, batteries or EV charging infrastructure, it might be helpful to look for suppliers who have experience working with apartment buildings, especially if you live in a high-rise or other large building as this will often be classed as a commercial-sized property. 

We recommend Allume Energy's Solshare system, which enables apartment residents to share the solar energy produced from their rooftop in an equitable way. Click here to visit their website and learn more.   


Tip 5: 
Learn from others 

There are hundreds of positive examples from apartments and strata communities all around Australia who have successfully installed solar, batteries, EV charging and other electrification upgrades to bring down their bills and reduce emissions. 

Have a read of the case studies listed on Allume's website (linked above), or click here for more strata success stories on the Wattblock website.

Plus, head over to the Electrify Wolli Creek webpage and learn more about this project. 

Good luck and let us know how you get on!