Right now the Queensland government is developing their plan for the rollout of three Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in Southern, Central and Northern Queensland. Their draft plans show that they're not aiming high enough to turn Queensland into a clean energy superpower. Lodge a submission below to show the State government that Queenslanders back an ambitious clean energy plan.
Points you might like to include in your submission:
I’m a Queensland resident and I’d like to see the Sunshine State become a renewable energy industry superpower.
Queensland has abundant solar and wind resources that we should utilise to power new industries in renewable hydrogen, ‘green’ manufacturing and minerals processing. To do this we need to unlock cheap and clean renewable energy across Queensland’s regions.
- New South Wales and Victoria have announced ambitious Renewable Energy Zone plans. Queensland must follow their lead or we risk missing out on new industry opportunities.
- The Queensland government must ensure at least 2,000MW of new renewable energy generation is added to each of Queensland’s three Renewable Energy Zone regions by 2025 on top of the projects already under construction.
And don't forget that adding personal touches increases the impact of your submission!