Solar Citizens has today welcomed NSW Farmers Federation support for renewable energy after a motion was passed at their state conference that will see them encourage governments to invest in solar.
The Farmers passed the following motion:
Members were in support of the association taking steps to encourage governments to support the transition from fossil fuels like coal and gas towards more renewable energy sources in rural, regional and remote areas where their operation can be shown to be of a net benefit to farming communities.
Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said the NSW Farmers support for greater investment in solar added to the growing list of people from all walks of life, businesses such as IKEA and leaders such as Pope Francis who recognised the need for more renewable energy.
“Farmers are one of the first groups in society most impacted by rising costs of electricity - it’s great to see the NSW Farmers Federation recognise that and endorse a transition towards greater renewables and solar,” she said.
“Renewable energy has the potential to power our farms, the lifeblood of Australia and help all of our farmers with the rising cost of living.
“Support for solar has swept across Australia, on a local, national and global level.
“As individual households through to top companies and nations, we are all seeing the overwhelming benefits of renewable energy including lowering the cost of power bill.
“Australia has some of the best available solar resources in the world, so we’re in a prime position for generating our own solar and lading this solar revolution.
“One of the best ways Australia can go solar is for our leaders to commit to a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy including solar by 2030 and programs that help low-income households install rooftop solar to help with rising power bills and do their bit for the environment.
“Instead of this future-embracing policy thinking, it becomes clearer every day that our Federal Government is out of step with what the Australian community wants and unwilling to end its ideological attack on renewables.
“Australia’s energy future is beyond party politics. It’s time our leaders listened to the community and truly stood up for growing solar jobs and investment,” Ms O’Rourke said.
Claire O’Rourke is available for comment
Media Contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404