Solar Citizens is calling on both major parties contesting the Queensland election to follow NSW’s lead and commit to disclosure of energy performance for rental properties, and investigating mandatory minimum energy performance standards for rentals.
The QLD LNP has committed to furthering the Solar for Rentals pilot program, and the Government has committed to enabling renters to access community batteries under the Local Renewable Energy Zone program, but neither has disclosed adequate information to assess the viability of both programs, according to solar advocates.
In this crucial last week before the QLD state election, Solar Citizens is callingd for greater action on solar for renters in Queensland and called for a target of at least 10,000 private rental properties with rooftop solar in Queensland by 2026, and 100,000 by 2030.
Solar Citizens CEO Heidi Lee Douglas said, “Cost of living and energy costs have emerged as hot election issues in Queensland.
“We know that rents are high, so why is it that renters remain locked out of the bill savings delivered by rooftop solar as well? Cheap clean solar helps residents better afford the cost of heating and cooling rental homes on an ongoing basis. This is particularly important in summer when the Sunshine State residents contend with high temperatures.
“Cheaper, cleaner solar energy and energy efficiency can deliver wins for the cost of living and for reducing carbon pollution.
“There are more than 618,000 rental properties in Queensland, representing about one-third of all housing stock, and there is an immense need for greater government investment to make these homes more energy efficient and helping renters access cheaper, cleaner solar energy.
“The LNP has announced a solar for renters scheme during a live debate earlier this year, yet the detailed policy has not yet been released. Solar Citizens would like to see the Opposition Leader release details of this ‘supercharged’ solar for renters scheme so voters can head to the polls fully informed.
“The ALP has made a very vague statement about increasing access to solar and batteries for renters, but without announcing any actual detail on how that is supposed to be delivered.” Ms Douglas said.