The Federal Government has just announced its plans for a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (also called a Fuel Efficiency Standard), which will enable Australian consumers to choose the cars they love, whilst bringing down how much it costs to run them. In the current cost-of-living crisis, this is a key way to bring down fuel bills and start to limit Australia's skyrocketing transport emissions.
Solar Citizens has been campaigning for an Efficiency Standard since 2020, and we're almost at the finish line - this consultation is the final step before it gets taken to Parliament. But the petrol car lobby is once again slamming on its brakes and attempting to weaken the proposal, so we have one final opportunity to ensure that their voices are drowned out, and this crucial policy becomes one of the strongest in the world. The Government is asking for your feedback until 4 March – we need everyone to make a submission calling for the strongest standards possible.
You can easily make a submission by clicking one of the buttons and copying the points for each question below. If you have more time on your hands, you might like to edit the points or use this explainer to make a more comprehensive response.
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Submission Guidelines
Question 3: Please rank the proposed options in order of preference
[Answer like this]
Question 4: Briefly, what are your reasons for your choice?
[Copy and paste the following text]
We should make Australia’s Standard the strongest in the world
The strong headline target and fleet limit curve rules of Option C will help us both catch up and stay at the front of the global queue for efficient vehicles, making the Australian market extremely attractive for low and zero-emissions vehicles; save Australian consumers the most money in the long term; and reduce carbon emissions in the fastest way.
Although the headline targets of Option B are good, they would only have us catch up to the US, and stay behind most other car markets (including right-hand drive markets like the United Kingdom and New Zealand).
Sufficient notice has been given to manufacturers
Both Options B and C allow manufacturers two years before strong limits are set, which is more than enough time to adjust their supply. The Government has been clear about its intention for a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard since 2022, and Australia is one of the last developed countries to implement one.
Benefits to consumers should be a priority
In the current cost of living crisis, the government should be prioritising options that lead to more wins for consumers. The benefit-to-cost ratio of Option B and C are very similar (4% difference), but the net benefits of Option C are far greater (18% difference).
Penalties should match the rest of the world
The penalty price of Option C is more comparable to the European Union and will force manufacturers to comply and prioritise the Australian market. As the Government found, there is no evidence this will increase vehicle prices.
Credits should expire within two years
The shorter expiry of credits in Option C means that overperforming manufacturers (such as electric vehicle-only manufacturers like Tesla and BYD) have a shorter time to sell their credits to other companies, making a slightly fairer playing field.
No dodgy loopholes for mainstream technology
As in both Options B and C, excluding technology credits creates more transparency and simplicity in the scheme, and increases positive results for Australian consumers and carbon emissions. Multiplier credits in particular should be ruled out entirely.
SUVs should be classified as passenger vehicles
As in both Options B and C, including SUVs and in the “Passenger Vehicle” category is smart and makes the Australian NVES stronger, especially given the consumer preference for larger vehicles. The Light Commercial Vehicle category should exist for genuine utility and commercial vehicles, not for bigger cars by default.
Question 5: Do you support the Government's preferred option (Option B)?
[Select "Yes"]
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