Support the fight against dirty energy policy

Support the fight against dirty energy policy

We need to spread the news that it's time to reboot our failing electricity system by repowering Australia with affordable, clean energy from the sun, wind and waves.

Tony Abbott and the Monash Forum pose a dangerous threat to the energy transition. They're trying to convince us that we need to sustain ageing, inefficient and expensive power generation, when renewables are here and ready to do the job cleaner and cheaper than ever before.

Will you chip in and help power the fight against attacks on renewable energy? Let's remind our politicians that their voters love clean, cheap energy.

Your support will help maintain the resources needed to continue collecting case studies from every corner of the country; stories in support of rooftop solar, big solar and battery storage. Together, we will keep spreading the sunshine with stories that highlight how much Australians love solar.

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100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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