**Submissions via Solar Citizens are now closed**
The Australian Senate has established an inquiry into the Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World. By making a submission, you can help ensure that decision-makers focus on solar energy, storage technologies and localised distribution networks as the key solutions to a secure and affordable energy future. You’ll be joining energy experts and industry leaders who are on record explaining why this is the right approach.
Below are some hints to guide you in making your submission.
To deliver a secure and resilient electricity system, Australia needs to:
- change the energy market rules to allow for more renewable energy distributed through smart, local systems, reducing our reliance on large, old transmission lines,
- make solar, battery storage and distributed generation technologies cheaper by encouraging greater uptake,
- boost investment and create jobs in researching, making and installing storage and localised distributed technologies.
- make it easier for households and businesses to shift to storage technologies, and
- become a global leader in these solar, storage and distributed generation technologies by recognising the abundance of Australia’s natural energy resources and the popularity of rooftop solar.
Click here for more information and to see the Inquiry’s terms of reference.
Need more information? Here are some helpful articles to help you make your submission.
- Securing renewables: How batteries solve the problem of clean electricity, Dan Cass, The Australia Institute, April 2016.
- AGL says local renewables would offer more security than current grid, Renew Economy, October 2016.
- The Home Grown Power Plan, Solar Citizens and GetUp!, 2016.
Please fill in the form below to make your submission. Solar Citizens will collate all responses and submit them on your behalf.