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A suggestion: whoever started this petition may I suggest that you also start a petition at A lot more power in these social media campaigns and can really build momentum! Cheers Ian
whats the point blood moons the financial reset 28th sept 2015.
swift oil exchange come on line in march, so ww3 should start then to keep swift from trading oil without the us dollar
swiss gold referendum 30th nov watch close
Renewable Energy is the future, It is imperative Australia retains and increase its targets and be competitive with technology to keep in line with the rest of the world. If we don’t we will slip backwards to be a third world economy.
The backward direction this government insists on taking on the RET is detrimental not only to the environment but also to our economy and our reputation internationally. It is indeed an undisguised pandering to coal companies and poisonous multinational corporations with total disregard to any kind of forward thinking, the vast amounts of scientific evidence or the wishes of the Australian people. Their level of determined stupidity is breathtaking.
Please call on the Australian Cabinet ministers to retain the Renewable Energy Target. We need this to encourage the increase in the use of renewable, non-polluting energy sources instead of rewarding the dirty energy industries to continue to pollute. Currently, the “Liberal” Party looks like the Australian Fossil Fuel Party! We need to work for a green future urgently.
I cant believe that we even have to fight to keep the RET, the maths shows that renewables are cheaper! This is often the case even without the RET on a commercial premises!! So much frustration with this government that has selective vision seeing only the facts that they feel like seeing…….
solar power is the way to go. Reduce dirty coal fired power stations for the clean alternative, help the enviroment, Energex/ Govt pays next to nothing for the FIT but resell it a profit
The Federal Government is displaying the most blatant action in promoting the interests of the powerful coal and multinational energy companies against the interests and wishes of the majority of its own citizens and clean green power of the future.
I have recently returned from a trip to Europe, including Greece. What I saw in Greece was, despite its economic problems, a firm commitment to renewable energy. Even on the smallest of islands, there were wind farms on the mountain tops and solar panels – photovoltaic and/or hot water systems – on most roofs. I last visited Greece 26 years previously and they had already begun using renewable energy even then.
With a similar climate but a much healthier economy, what excuse does this Government have for not pursuing a ‘real’ renewable energy policy that encourages both people and businesses to invest in the future and stop using fossil fuels.
If this Govt is serious about destroying the renewable industry in Australia then it should have the courage to put up new RET legislation to support that goal. Then when it get kicked out of the senate twice they can call a DD and let democracy decide. Otherwise, just shutup and provide bipartisan support for the existing RET.
When people become politicians and their motivation/interest is personal power rather than working for the people and country they represent, then they become corrupted. This is a government full of corruption. It has become corrupted by the lust for power. Newspaper editors and owners do not represent the people of Australia. Newspapers should be impartial and simply report news – factually – and let the people make up their minds about it. Stop treating us like children. Stop bullying and manipulating us because you can. The mining Barons (and Baronesses) don’t care about Australia or Australians – they care about their personal power. How much money is enough for you? Since you have such great power – I challenge you to use it for the good of this country and it’s people.
There are many wonderful examples in this world – and in this country – of how we can make changes for the better and stop heading down a path leading to destruction – how about we follow those examples. Politicians have power – they also have the choice of how they use it.
TA and his mates are not blind as I see it, instead they see stronger profits for themselves when listening to King Coal. These profits take all kinds of shapes, we might ask Frances Abbott, various coalition party coffers etc. No wonder they so vehemently reject a national ICAC!
The German village of Feldheim, 80 kilometres south of Berlin, is a brilliant example of energy revolution (wind farm, solar plant, biogas and biomass facilities). They use only 1% of what they make and feed the rest back into the grid.
Don’t bow down to the Power Corporations that will only ruin this precious Earth for future generations. for a reality check, please remind yourselves how lucky we are:
The Abbott government must fracture. They have shown themselves to be led by ideologues absolutely intent on destroying every vestige of Australia’s policies designed to address climate change. There are some members of the coalition who accept the science of climate change, like Matt Williams from Hindmarsh who told us so on Monday. There are many who do not.
Those members with a conscience who are witnessing their leadership’s attempts to destroy the RET (which has no impact on their phony ‘budget crisis’) must be on the brink of despair.
When will they summon the courage to give Phony Tony the old heave ho? Or if they don’t yet have the numbers, will they have the guts to cross the floor?
The Coalition’s Direct Action policy will not work because there is no such thing as clean coal. The technology that the Coalition is depending upon has not yet been developed and even if it was, emissions would not be significantly reduced.
We will need renewables and the RET to reduce our emissions and to prepare for the power generation requirements of the 21st century.
it’s so embarrassing to be embracing the filthy coal industry with such government enthusiasm!
the rest of the world would be laughing at us, except its no joke! CLIMATECHANGE IS REAL! we just invested over $13,000.00 on our rooftop panels. c’mon abbott & co, do australia’s bit too!
Showing 31 reactions
swift oil exchange come on line in march, so ww3 should start then to keep swift from trading oil without the us dollar
swiss gold referendum 30th nov watch close
Why provide the coal industry with support and subsidies that are antithetical to it’s own ideology of business efficiency and competitiveness?
This is bad policy, bad economics and bad government.
With a similar climate but a much healthier economy, what excuse does this Government have for not pursuing a ‘real’ renewable energy policy that encourages both people and businesses to invest in the future and stop using fossil fuels.
Seriously, they have NO EXCUSE !
There are many wonderful examples in this world – and in this country – of how we can make changes for the better and stop heading down a path leading to destruction – how about we follow those examples. Politicians have power – they also have the choice of how they use it.
Don’t bow down to the Power Corporations that will only ruin this precious Earth for future generations. for a reality check, please remind yourselves how lucky we are:
Those members with a conscience who are witnessing their leadership’s attempts to destroy the RET (which has no impact on their phony ‘budget crisis’) must be on the brink of despair.
When will they summon the courage to give Phony Tony the old heave ho? Or if they don’t yet have the numbers, will they have the guts to cross the floor?
We will need renewables and the RET to reduce our emissions and to prepare for the power generation requirements of the 21st century.
Dede Callichy 2484
the rest of the world would be laughing at us, except its no joke! CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL! we just invested over $13,000.00 on our rooftop panels. c’mon abbott & co, do australia’s bit too!