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ACT leads the charge for a clean future with 100% electricity from renewables by 2020

Solar Citizens have applauded today’s reports that the Australian Capital Territory’s (ACT) Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Simon Corbell, will enact a target of 100% renewable energy for the Territory by 2020.

“The announcement demonstrates that 100% renewable energy for electricity at the local, regional, and indeed national level is not only feasible, it is happening - now,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“We are counting on the ACT Opposition to follow suit, support this policy and offer what people in the ACT are crying out for - bi-partisanship, certainty and a plan for the future that is clean, forward looking and based on sensible economics.

“We are looking forward to hearing from them as a matter of urgency, as are the many tens of thousands of solar citizens in the ACT, citizens that vote,” she said.

“Likewise at the national level, Australian voters are waiting on their verandahs, under solar panels, to hear exactly what the Federal Government is planning to do on this critical policy area. The Homegrown Power Plan, produced by Solar Citizens and GetUp, provides a pathway for the nation to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030 that we encourage the Government to pursue in earnest.

“Our understanding from today’s reports is that the government will expand its current large-scale renewable energy auction process from 109MW to 200MW to meet this new 100% target.

“We expect the Opposition in the ACT to do nothing less than put its full support behind this policy and back this legislation,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“It’s the right thing to do for the people of the ACT.

“Globally, over the last few years, more money has been invested in renewable energy capacity than fossil fuel capacity. In fact, nearly three times as much money was invested in renewables in 2015 than a decade earlier.

“The ACT Government is leading the rush for the future here in Australia, now it’s time for the ACT Opposition to take the sensible, popular position and offer bipartisanship on this issue that is critical to Canberra’s clean energy future,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E:[email protected]      


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