Solar Citizens has welcomed the ACT Government’s call today for Expressions of Interest to build a 50-megawatt solar farm in the capital region.
The ACT has become a national leader by setting an ambitious target of 90 per cent of energy coming from renewable energy by 2020.
Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said federal and state leaders should follow the shining example set by the ACT and lift their support for large-scale solar and other renewable energy projects.
“The ACT Government has today shown faith in the benefits of joining the global move toward solar power rather than playing politics to attack renewables,” she said.
“It’s great to see leadership with sensible, long-term plans for making our energy generation cheaper and cleaner with renewable sources.
“ACT Environment Minister Simon Corbell is also engaging his fellow ministers from seven different jurisdictions to bypass toxic national policies and boost renewables uptake at the state and territory level.
“In stark contrast, a cut in the Renewable Energy Target will risk Australia falling behind other nations in realising the innovation, economic growth and jobs that come with the renewables revolution.
“Recent polling shows that 75% of Australians support an increase in the Renewable Energy Target. More than 1.3 million Australian families with rooftop solar are enjoying the benefit of lower power bills and doing their part by producing clean energy.
“In a country boasting the solar resources of Australia, it makes sense for all governments to ensure we have more access to solar energy, not less,” Ms O’Rourke said.
Claire O'Rourke is available for interview
Media contact; Amy Gordon 0410 631 404