Premier Newman Should Recognise Power of Solar to Deliver Electricity Bill Savings

The best way for Queenslanders to save on their household power bills is to keep the full Renewable Energy Target and introduce more solar-friendly energy policies at a state level, according to Solar Citizens.

National Director Claire O’Rourke said the majority of the average electricity bill in Queensland is network charges, the poles and wires, that makes up almost 50% of power charges in the state.

“Squaring blame on solar owners for the rise in power bills is misguided to say the least - it shows that the Newman Government is out of touch with what Queenslanders feel they must do to reduce their cost of living,”Ms O’Rourke said today.

“He has announced billions of dollars in spending that will ultimately not deliver cheaper energy prices, meanwhile the community supports solar and wants it to help them save on their power bills.”

She also noted a Senate Inquiry into the allegation that ‘gold plating’ of Australia's electricity networks is artificially driving up the cost of electricity was currently taking submissions.

“Premier Newman’s attack on solar owners is another example of the anti-solar agenda that runs through the Queensland Government,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“Earlier this year Treasurer Tim Nicholls said in Parliament that solar owners were ‘latte sippers and the champagne set’ something that could not be further from the truth.

“Queensland’s 381,414 solar households have already saved $213.6 million on power bills.”

“Most households that have installed solar are households on lower and middle incomes, those most vulnerable to power price rises. The Queensland government should assist more households to go solar to help them with the cost of living,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Media Contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533