Cuppa Sunshine - Solar Citizens

Will you host a Cuppa Sunshine?

18-24 August 2014

So you'd like to host a Cuppa Sunshine - that's fantastic, thank you!

There’s no question that the future of solar in Australia hangs in the balance - at the whims of a handful of senators who now hold the balance of power. That’s why, in one week in August, all around the country, hundreds of people will gather in workplaces, cafes, living rooms and on stalls to put pen to paper and show our key balance of power senators just how much Australians care about a strong solar future.

Hosting a Cuppa Sunshine is easy - just sign-up below and we’ll send you a simple guide to walk you through the few basic steps.

We know that heartfelt, handwritten letters work. If each of the cross bench senators who hold the future of solar and the Renewable Energy Target in their hands hear from their constituents in handwritten letters, it will be a tide of renewable power they can’t ignore.


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